יום שישי, 2 באפריל 2010

USA- and beyond!

Hell yeah! Some good news!

1. I got accepted to MCAD- Minneapolis College of arts & design's MFA program in animation and I'm starting my studies this August.

2. MCAD they granted me a 24,000$ Merit Scholarship! W00t!

I also got accepted to Edinburgh College of arts in Scotland, but USA is my top priority since I intend to stay there after the MFA permanently and continue my career there.

3. Before I get to Minneapois, my first stop is in New York City- 3 of my films will be screened at the New York international flm festival, followed by a Q&A session I'll attend:

Festival Website:


I'll be there on the 17th of August for 1 day. It's gonna be a blast.

in August 2010 I'll finally make my big step and get out of this Middle eastern mudhole. Wish me luck in trying to conquer the American market...and then- THE WORLD!!!...ahem...

On a side note, before I leave Israel for my little US adventure- Me and my Friend and Co-writer/Director/Artist Nir Panigel gathered a small crew and started working on a new animated project. This new film will be my first real take on Live Action + Animation mix. It's ambitious, extremely stupid but it might just come out pretty god damned funny. So stay tuned for more about that soon enough (Shooting starts this week!)

- And Finally! as in every post so far, here's another one of my films, that will be screened as well on the NYC festival:


This one actually started off as a short animation test and a tribute to "Robot Chicken"'s Humping robot gag. But after I finished my little test I kinda got attched to this little Rape-O'-wall-E character and decided to take the test and build a short spontanious movie around it.

So as you can see there's not a lot of thought behind it. Just havin' fun.

By the way, the two other films screened at the festival are "Born to be Dead" and "Winterhunt" which you can see in my previous posts.

Finally, here's a new promo I did for Director/Actress/Writer Maureen Whealan's new and highly promising project "The Suburban Count"- check it out!:

That's it for today. Expect some progress updates about Our new project soon!


- Amit


I also updated my Concept art gallery, so check it out:


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